Additional Online Careers Resources & Labour Market Information (LMI)
Career Insights is a free video library source that allows users to search careers they may be interested in. They can listen first hand to real professionals talk about their journey into that career.
Each video covers what they studied at school, their transitions from school to further education and into working life. Additionally, what qualifications and skills are needed for their jobs, what a typical day looks like and advice for someone wanting to pursue a similar career.
The library is catered to cover a broad spectrum of career opportunities and new videos are added weekly.
If you're thinking about what career you'd like to choose, then Spark can really help. It's an amazing free online platform that lets you watch live streamed broadcasts from some of the country's leading employers. The live broadcasts are really interesting and tell you everything you need to know about that career.
Other Useful Links
Amazing Apprenticeships Parent Packs
Date of next review of information published: September 2022