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Cromwell Community College


At Cromwell we are working towards the Anti Bullying Quality Mark-UK, with the aim of securing safety, mental health and wellbeing for all.

 What we want:

  • Children and young people come to school without the fear of being bullied 
  • Staff members to respond to all aspects of bullying behaviour with confidence
  • Parents to be confident that they know who to approach about bullying and that it is dealt with efficiently and effectively
  • Bullying is not accepted or tolerated

Anti-Bullying Newsletter

anti bullying parents newsletter november 2023.pdf

 Peer-Mentoring Scheme

At Cromwell we believe in a whole school community. Our pupils have always supported other pupils in a variety of ways, both informally and formally. As our sense of community has grown over the past 10 years we have evolved the College’s Peer Mentoring Scheme.

Pupils in years 11, 12 and 13 undergo a rigorous training programme to equip them with the communication and safeguarding skills they need to be able to support a younger student. The pupils support academically, emotionally and socially.

Each mentor is assigned a mentee for the year and they meet weekly during a tutor period. This process can greatly decrease anxiety and increase confidence, academic performance is also greatly enhanced.

If your child is in year 7 or 8 and you feel they would benefit from having a mentor, please contact your Head of Year. If a mentor is available they will be assigned immediately.

If you have any feedback on the mentoring process please contact gfulcher@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk

Who to Contact

It is important to report all incidences of bullying. To do this please speak to or email one of the following:

  • Form Tutor
  • Pupil Support Officer  
  • Head of Year

The following lead Anti-Bullying at Cromwell: