“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.”
Steve Jobs
Welcome to the Business subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information, please contact the Head of Department, Mr Quarmby, at
Click here to see a visual representation of our Business curriculum from Year 10 - Year 13
Business Curriculum Map - Year 10 to Year 13
Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Arbor account.
Follow this link to the BBC website to enhance your learning:
Ability Grouping
Business is taught in mixed ability groups.
Teaching Staff
Mr G Quarmby (Head of Faculty)
Miss C Hartshorne
Key Stage 4
Edexcel GCSE Business 1BS01
What will I study?
Business skills are essential for success in employment and provide transferrable skills for future study. This course will enable you to explore real business issues and to learn how businesses work.
You will learn new knowledge and skills, apply that knowledge and analyse and evaluate it to make judgments about the business world. The key topics you will study are:
- Business in the real world
- Influences on business
- Business operations
- Human resources
- Marketing
- Finance
The specification requires you to draw on your knowledge and understanding to:
- identify and explain business activity
- apply business concepts
- develop problem-solving and decision-making skills relevant to business
- investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and issues
- make justified decisions using both qualitative and quantitative data
How will I learn?
You will produce a folder of notes with practice activities and exam questions during the two year course. Lessons will be a mixture of group and individual tasks. Research is from teacher resources, online and text books. There are visits and visitors into College to provide you with information.
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed by two exam papers of 1 hour 45 minutes, each worth 50% of the total grade. Both have the same format and include multiple choice questions, data response/case study questions and two extended case study questions.
Paper 1: Investigating Small Business
Paper 2: Building a Business
Click here to view the GCSE Business exam specification
Will there be any controlled assessment?
No. The course is entirely assessed by the linear exams
Will there be any independent study?
Yes, there is an expectation that you will take an interest in business news articles and be willing to bring these stories to the lesson for discussion. In addition to this, you will be regularly set practice exam questions and short tasks to complete for homework.
What do I need for business and enterprise?
A large part of Business is forming your own ideas and judgements on the actions of businesses and entrepreneurs and what you would do in a similar situation. You should have an interest in one day running your own business and may be asked to take part in enterprise activities to hone your skillset in the subject.
Where can this course take me?
The skills, knowledge and understanding you gain will be directly relevant to employment situations, improving your chance of success in the business sector. Immediate progression may be into employment or into further study, such as A level Business.
Key Stage 5
WJEC Eduqas GCE A Level in Business
Business is a dynamic subject. You will learn about the diverse nature of business enterprise and the interdependence of the various parts of the business world. You will explore business success and business failure, investigate local, national, and global business markets, and understand how businesses need to adapt and respond strategically to the changing environment in which they operate to survive and grow.
Through studying business, you will develop transferable skills that will prepare you for studying at university or moving into the world of work. You will become skilled in making decisions, solving problems, applying numerical skills (including understanding finance and working with data) and understanding the business environment. You will also develop commercial awareness.
Studying business could lead to careers in a variety of different industries such as
Human Resources, Finance, Law, Production, Distribution and Marketing.
Examination Board: Eduqas