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Cromwell Community College

School Meals

Cromwell's catering service is provided by Edwards & Blake, caterer of choice for thousands of primary and secondary school students across the UK.

We believe lunch is an integral part of the school day. When students sit down with friends, they cement relationships, enhance social skills, and replenish both their body and mind.

Our menus are exciting, nutritious, and appealing, served in a supportive environment designed to educate students about how they can make healthy choices to support their wellbeing and improve their ability to focus.

Our freshly prepared menus meet the Government’s School Food Standards and meet the bronze Food for Life standards.    

Primary Phase Menu

The food children eat in school is very important for their education. Not only does a well-balanced diet help with general health but establishing healthy eating habits at a young age can give them knowledge for the future. We understand primary school children and their likes and dislikes so we tailor our menus to encourage maximum uptake.

Children who are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 are offered a free, healthy school lunch under the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) government scheme. Children in Years 3 and 4 purchase their meals, unless they are eligible for income-related Free School Meals. There are hot meal and packed lunch options available every day which are £2.60 including a dessert. Meal selections for Primary children are made using the ParentMail app - see instructions here.

Schools receive additional funding when children are registered for free school meals, even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, so it is important to apply for free school meals if you are eligible. You can check your eligibility and apply online via the Cambridgeshire County Council Website HERE.

The Primary menus work on a 3 week cycle as follows: 




 11 - 15 Nov

 18 - 22 Nov

 4 - 8 Nov

 2 - 6 Dec

 9 - 13 Dec

 25 - 29 Nov

 13 - 17 Jan

 20 - 24 Jan

 16 - 20 Dec

 2 - 7 Feb

 10 - 14 Feb

 6 - 10 Jan

 24 - 28 Feb

 3 - 7 Mar

 27 - 31 Jan

 17 - 21 Mar

 24 - 28 Mar

 10 - 14 Mar



 31 Mar - 4 Apr 

primary autumn winter menu.pdf

Allergen Management

At Edwards & Blake, all our colleagues are trained and up to date with allergen procedures and will provide accurate allergen information. If your Primary Phase child has allergies, please follow the link below to read the guidance and provide the necessary information to ensure that your child is supported and receives a tasty, nutritious, and safe meal:


 Secondary / Sixth Form Menu




 11 - 15 Nov

 18 - 22 Nov

 4 - 8 Nov

 2 - 6 Dec

 9 - 13 Dec

 25 - 29 Nov

 13 - 17 Jan

 20 - 24 Jan

 16 - 20 Dec

 3 - 7 Feb

 10 - 14 Feb

 6 - 10 Jan

 24 - 18 Feb

 3 - 7 Mar

 27 - 31 Jan

 17 - 21 Mar

 24 - 28 Mar

 10 - 14 Mar



 31 Mar - 4 Apr 

secondary main aw2425.pdf


Our Hot and Cold Meal Deals are priced at £2.60 and include:

Allergen Management

At Edwards & Blake, all our colleagues are trained and up to date with allergen procedures and will provide accurate allergen information to your child. If your Secondary Phase child has allergies, we would ask that they speak to our server for information so that they can be provided with the information they need to make an informed and safe choice.

The Snack Shack  

The Snack Shack is open at breaktimes and lunchtimes for Secondary Phase and Sixth Form students.

Purchases can only be made using ID Cards.

New ID Cards can be ordered via ParentMail if required.


Healthy Eating Promotion

Good nutritional choices are vital to students’ health, academic achievement, and wider performance at school. Our Healthy Swaps campaign encourages the uptake of healthier items by providing suggestions for more nutritious options that are readily available. 

Theme Days

Keep an eye out for our regular Theme Days and Pop Ups featuring fantastic flavours for students to try including our Taste of Greece, May The Fourth Be With You and Veganuary!

Eating a School Lunch is Better for Your Child

Did you know only 1% of packed lunches meet the nutritional standards that currently apply to school food?  Five reasons school lunches are better; 

  1. They save time & money
  2. They’re nutritionally better than a packed lunch
  3. They promote a varied diet & encourages new tastes
  4. They support inclusivity, dining with friends
  5. They help academic attainment by being linked to improved concentration

Free School Meals

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.

To find out how to apply please follow this link to the Cambridgeshire County Council website here.