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Cromwell Community College


At Cromwell our goal is to develop in all of our pupils the skills, competencies and knowledge relevant to life in the 21st Century. Pupils begin their secondary education in Key Stage 3 by studying a broad academic curriculum. During Year 9 they choose their GCSE options, allowing them to specialise in Key Stage 4. Many pupils choose to stay on into our Sixth Form, where they continue their learning journey on courses designed to lead to further education and employment. Throughout their time at Cromwell, all pupils have lessons in Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE), covering topics such as staying healthy, the world of work, personal finance and sex and relationships.

The ethos of the College is one which values pupils as individuals and encourages them to play a full role in the life of the College. Self-esteem is promoted through our celebration of achievements. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on what they do and question and explore new issues in all areas of our curriculum.

Improving literacy and numeracy skills is fundamental to providing all pupils with the best possible opportunities to become successful at school and outside of school. The development of these skills, especially literacy, is a focus across the curriculum at Cromwell. Pupils are given opportunities to develop all aspects of their literacy (speaking, listening, reading and writing) within lessons and as part of enrichment opportunities.

A part of our policy to personalise the curriculum, in certain subjects and where pupils are able, we begin the teaching of GCSE during Year 9. This staged transfer helps to prepare pupils for Key Stage 4 and increases their chances of success. The structure of the curriculum is flexible enough to enable the educational needs of individual pupils to be met. This may include some parts of a pupil's curriculum being delivered either one to one or in small groups through the SEND department's BRIDGE provision. Please view our SEND provision HERE to see how we make the curriculum accessible for pupils with disabilities or special educational needs.

The opportunity to follow a broad and balanced curriculum is the entitlement of all pupils irrespective of race, academic ability, gender, sexual orientation or physical disability. As a College we actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Click HERE here to download the Active Learning Trust Curriculum Statement of Intent

Click HERE to download the Cromwell Community College Curriculum Statement of Intent

Click HERE to download the Curriculum Option Booklet 2024-2026

Click HERE for more information on how we promote British values at Cromwell 

Key Stage 3 Information

Pupils join Key Stage 3 at the start of Year 7, which runs through to the end of Year 9.

All pupils will face many new challenges as they move through Cromwell, but it might be useful to think about what Cromwell is aiming to do for you 

Cromwell is aiming to:

  • Prepare pupils for the adult world
  • Teach pupils skills and knowledge that they need for lifelong learning
  • Give pupils a wide range of subject knowledge and skills
  • Help pupils become more independent
  • Show pupils how to think and learn for themselves
  • Give pupils the confidence to join in, ask questions and help others
  • Lay the foundations for success in external examinations and other assessments

The Curriculum

For the first three years at Cromwell, our pupils will follow a range of courses which are designed to give them a broad and balanced curriculum.  2014 saw the implementation of a reformed Key Stage 3 curriculum with more rigour and range of topics to be covered. The curriculum is organised in the following subject areas:

  • Art & Design
  • Computing
  • Design & Technology
  • Drama
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Foreign Languages - French (7/8/9) & German (9)
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Philosophy & Ethics
  • Science

In Key Stage 3, pupils have thirty lessons per week, allocated as below.

 Year 7

 Year 8

 Year 9 























French or German






























































All of these subjects are equally important to pupils as they begin their steps towards gaining qualifications and becoming an adult.

As well as completing assessments throughout each year, our pupils will sit internal exams towards the end of each academic year.  All of these combined will enable them, their parents and their teachers to see how they are progressing towards their target grade.

As part of our policy to maximise the success for all and to personalise the curriculum, some pupils may experience some variations in their curriculum.  It is also college policy to set independent study (homework) when it is appropriate to the course.

Pupils will also be able to develop important transferable key skills which equip them with the necessary skills for the 21st Century.

These skills include:

  • Creative thinking
  • Team working
  • Reflective learning
  • Effective participation 
  • Becoming self-managers and independent enquirers

Pupils will follow a programme of activities with their form tutor. These are designed to encourage pupils to think about and discuss how they feel about issues and how they handle different situations. “Have I got news for you” sessions will encourage them to be aware of what is happening in the news locally, nationally and globally.  The weekly quiz will also help to develop their knowledge. Pupils will also work with their tutor and the rest of their form group to plan and deliver an assembly to the rest of the year group.

All of the work our pupils do at Cromwell both in and out of lessons will help them to become:

  • Confident individuals
  • Effective learners
  • Responsible citizens

Key Stage 4 Information

The start of Year 10 marks the transition for your child from KS3 into KS4. This next two years are the combination of 11 years of formal education. We at Cromwell aim to support your child to achieve their full potential, and move into further education as well qualified and a well-rounded individuals.  

There are many key events throughout the two years:

  • Work experience
  • Prefect Applications
  • Mentor training
  • Mock examinations
  • Terminal GCSE Examinations
  • Completion of personal statements
  • Sixth form and College applications
  • Year 11 Prom

The Curriculum

At Key Stage 4, all pupils take English Language, English Literature, Maths and Science. They also have non-examined lessons in PE to develop healthy bodies and minds. 

The remainder of their timetable is made up of four GCSE option choices. Two choices must be from French, German, Ancient History, History, Geography or Computer Science. The other two choices can be any subject we offer that the pupils wish to study. More information can be found HERE.

Each pupil in Year 9 has an interview with a Senior Leader as part of their options process, in which they will be invited to discuss their choices and the way that they will support the pupil's plans for the future. The options process usually takes several months and we fully invite parents and carers to be a part of this important decision in their child's life.

In order to be successful in their examinations the following areas should be a key focus for pupils, parents and teachers.

  • Attendance
  • Focus in lessons
  • Correct equipment
  • Homework
  • Revision (after school sessions and at home) 
  • Maintaining a positive approach
  • Positive mind-set
  • Communication with teachers and parents

Key points of contact in school:

  • Parents evening
  • Reports
  • Go4schools
  • Subject teachers (for individual subject enquiries)
  • Form tutors (for general queries relating to attendance and behaviour for learning)