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Cromwell Community College


“Without geography, you are nowhere.”


Welcome to the Geography subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information please contact the Head of Department, Mr Wood at jwood1@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Click here to see a visual representation of our Geography curriculum from Year 7 - Year 13

Geography Curriculum Map - EYFS to Year 13  


Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Arbor account. 

Here are links to websites to enhance your learning:  



The enrichment opportunities will be updated early in the new academic year.

Ability Grouping

Geography is taught in mixed ability groups in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

Teaching Staff

Mr J Wood (Head of Geography)

Miss K Palmer

Mrs L Noble

Mrs S Rolfe 


Primary Phase

Geography at Cromwell is a project-based approach breathing life into geography that will remain with children for the rest of their lives.  Our topics are being developed for Early Years and Key Stage 1 and will grow and develop as these children enter into Key Stage 2. Please see the overview of planned topics at the bottom of this page.  Geography also involves many transferable skills, such as research, observation, measurement, recording and presentation. Very simply, geography is about understanding the world by: comparing locations; investigating; researching different sources; writing and talking about places; asking and answering questions.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

It may seem strange to think about your 4 year old child as a geographer. However, the years from birth to age five provide a first opportunity to see how your child interacts with their environment — and how the environment influences them. The early learning goals at EYFS will guide your child onto make sense of their physical world and their community by exploring, observing, and finding out about people, places, technology and the environment.

Key Stage 1

In Years 1 and 2, your child will  begin to develop a geographical vocabulary by learning about where they live, as well as one other small area of the United Kingdom and a small area in a contrasting non-European country. They will learn about weather patterns in the United Kingdom and hot and cold areas of the world. They will use ICT, world maps, atlases and globes, simple compass directions, aerial photographs and plans, as well as simple fieldwork and observational skills.

Key Stage 2

In Years 3 to 6, the Geography curriculum has three focus areas:

  • Locational knowledge
  • Place knowledge
  • Human and physical geography

Locational Knowledge examines latitude, longitude and time zones. Your child will use maps to focus on Europe, North and South America, concentrating on regions, key physical / human characteristics, countries, and major cities. They will also work on locating the counties and cities of the United Kingdom, and start to explore their human and physical characteristics.

Children also examine geographical similarities and differences by comparing the geography of a region of the United Kingdom with a region in a European country, and with a region in either North or South America. This is part of the Place Knowledge aspect of the curriculum.

For Human and Physical Geography, your child will be taught to describe and understand key aspects of geography, for example: climate zones, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, the water cycle, types of settlement, economic activity and the distribution of natural resources.


Key Stage 3

What do we teach?

Please follow the link at the top of this page to view the Geography Curriculum Map.

How do we assess learning?

Click HERE to see the Spring Term 2023 assessment grids used to determine if your child is working to secure level.


Key Stage 4

AQA GCSE Geography 8035

What will I study?

Geography will help you gain knowledge of our world and an understanding of current events. You will appreciate different cultures in this country and other parts of the world, and become aware of the challenges and inequalities of our physical and human environments.  The world in which we live is likely to change more in the next 50 years than it has ever done before.  Geography helps explain why, and helps us to prepare for those changes.  You will learn a range of key skills and study three themes.

Theme 1:  Living with the physical environment

Section A – The challenge of natural hazards – you will study tectonic (earthquakes) and weather hazards, and climate change.

Section B – The living world - includes the study of ecosystems, tropical rainforests and cold environments

Section C – Physical landscapes in the UK – in this unit you will learn more about the country you live in. Studying the physical landscapes, including upland and lowland areas and river systems in the UK. You will also investigate coastal landscapes including processes, landforms and management.

Theme 2:  Challenges in the human environment

This unit focuses on the dynamic nature of human processes and environments.

Section A – Urban issues and challenges – you will study urbanisation and find out why so many people live in cities and the challenges, problems and opportunities these create.

Section B – The changing economic world – this unit will cover economic development and look at strategies that can be used to reduce development gaps. It will also look at the opportunities and challenges created by rapid development and focus on the UK economy.

Section C – The challenge of resource management – you will study resource management and look at how the changing demands of the supply and consumption of resources in the UK create challenges and opportunities. You will also look at the issues around food supply and sustainable solutions.

Theme 3:  Geographical applications

You are required to complete two geographical enquiries (fieldwork) outside the classroom. You will visit the north Norfolk coast and Cambridge as part of this.  You will develop your geographical skills and apply your subject knowledge to particular issues. You will answer questions about this in your exam.

How will I learn?

By developing and demonstrating key skills, you will study using case studies and examples, developing deep knowledge and understanding of issues, including the challenges and opportunities for people and communities.  The emphasis is on problem solving and enquiry throughout. 

How will I be assessed?

You will complete 3 written exam papers at the end of the Year 11:

Paper 1 – Living with the physical (35% of the GCSE) 1 hour 30 minutes

Paper 2 – Challenges in the human environment (35% of the GCSE) 1 hour 30 minutes

Paper 3 – Geographical applications (30% of the GCSE) 1 hour 30 minutes

A pre-release resources booklet will be made available 12 weeks before the paper 3 exam and we will work through this together to prepare for the exam, becoming familiar with the resources.

 Click here to view the GCSE Geography exam specification 

Will there be any independent study?

The course will require you to take the issues introduced in class further and you will be encouraged to read up to date examples and complete independent study tasks to consolidate your learning.

What do I need for Geography?

You should have an enquiring mind and want to work hard to find out more about the world in which we live.  It is good to have a desire to examine issues such as how can we reduce inequalities in the world and how we can face up to the environmental threats that challenge us today.  If you have questions and queries about the world we live in, then geography is for you!

Where can this course take me?

The skills you gain from geography make you of potential interest to a wide range of employers who will value your team work, decision making, research and enquiry skills.  Geography is a gateway to so many opportunities including marketing, advertising, accountancy, law, sales, finance, education, environmental awareness, civil service, foreign office, travel industry and journalism. 

Key Stage 5

AQA A-Level Geography (7037)

Geography A Level is a topical and contemporary course that will challenge your perceptions and develop your investigative and analytical skills. With a focus on current and future issues facing the world, you will use modern case studies and create your own fieldwork investigation to help you understand how these changes are affecting both societies and the natural environment, while identifying ways of managing these challenges sustainably.

The course is made up of the below components, covers physical, environmental and human geography:

  • Physical geography
    • Section A: Water and carbon cycles
    • Section B: Coastal systems and their landscapes
    • Section C: Ecosystems under threat
  • Human geography
    • Section A: Global systems and global governance
    • Section B: Changing places
    • Section C: Population and the environment
  • Geography fieldwork investigation (you will complete an individual investigation which must include data collected in the field, written up in a report of 3000 - 4000 word)

Many students follow this course with a geography related degree, while others find that employers value the critical thinking and decision-making skills which geography students gain through A level studies.

Examination Board: AQA

Please click here to view the A Level Geography exam specification