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Cromwell Community College


Welcome to the Law subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information please contact the Head of Department, Miss K Cavilla, at kcavilla@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Click here to see a visual representation of our Law curriculum from for Key Stage 5

Law Curriculum Map - Year 12 to Year 13 


Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Go4Schools account. 

Ability Grouping

Law is taught in mixed ability classes.

Teaching Staff 

Mr Dudley  -  Criminal Law and Tort Law

Miss Palmer  -  English Legal System and European Human Rights 


Key Stage 5

AQA A-Level Law (7162)

Law is a fascinating subject which impacts almost every aspect of our lives and society. Law A level aligns with any subject combination in sixth form and prepares you for study at undergraduate level, whatever discipline you chose.

Law is taught over two years and is assessed by external assessment at the end of year 13.

You will study the following three units:

  • Criminal law (murder, manslaughter, non-fatal offences against the person, theft, robbery, and general defences
  • Tort law (negligence, nuisance, occupiers’ liability, and liability for economic losses)
  • Human Rights (law relating to the right to life, to liberty and security of the person)

A wide spectrum of teaching and learning styles are used during the course, ranging from first-hand insight into legal processes and institutions from visiting speakers to group work, debate and mock trials. 

Former students of law A level are now working as solicitors, barristers, civil servants and police officers, while others use the course as a steppingstone into professions such as journalism, accounting and teaching.

Examination Board: AQA 

Please click here to view our A Level Law exam specification