Welcome to the Maths subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of equipment and homework. If you need any further information, please contact the Head of Department, Mr Jansen van Rensburg, at or Mrs McBeath (Primary phase) at
Click here to see a visual representation of our Maths curriculum from Year 7 - Year 13
Maths Curriculum Map - EYFS to Year 13
Secondary Equipment
Please ensure that your son/daughter is equipped with the following equipment for every Mathematics lesson:
- Pen - Black/Blue
- Pen - Green
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Ruler
- Compass
- Protractor
- Calculator - Casio FX-83GT CW Scientific Calculator
Calculators are available to purchase via the schools ParentMail platform.
Primary Phase
Primary Maths homework may be set from Year 1 upwards. Children will be given a username and password by their Class Teacher and can access homework on MyMaths.
Secondary Phase
Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Arbor account.
For years 7-10 all homework is set on Sparx Maths.
Sparx Maths can be accessed using, students should login using their school email address and the password they use to access the school network.
Sparx Parent Information Video
For ALL classes using Sparx Maths homework is always set and due on a Wednesday, at 8am.
How can I support my child with their homework?
The main things that you can be doing at home to support us in school are:
- Making they clearly label the questions and encouraging them to write down their working out. It would be helpful if you could purchase your student a notebook for jotting these down at home.
- Encouraging them to complete extra independent study by completing the “Target” or “XP Boost” questions. Any extra study will be rewarded by the school points system, certificates, and prizes.
- Checking in with your child to see if they have completed their homework when you receive the weekly parental reminder email. You can keep track of your child’s homework completion in the weekly email you will receive from Sparx. After a couple of weeks of using the platform, the questions will be highly personalised to them and they should be aiming to get 100% completion, answering all questions correctly.
- Making sure your student spends the adequate amount of time on their homework which should be around 45-60 minutes.
We provide a support session every Tuesday lunchtime just before the homework deadline.
“Bright Sparx”
The Mathematics Department run an incentive scheme for any pupils completing extra independent study, this works using the XP points element of the website. Students are encouraged to complete ‘Target’ or 'XP Boost’ tasks, the Target questions help with retrieval of previous content, where are the XP Boost questions provide an extra level of challenge for students.
Certificates are handed out weekly and winners names are posted to our social media channels. There is a prize draw at the end of each term.
The Maths Paper Society (Years 10 & 11)
Monday 3:30pm - 4:30pm
A12 and A13
Sparx Homework Drop-In
Tuesday 1:00pm - 1:30pm
A18 with Mrs Middleditch
Maths Circles (Years 7-9)
Tuesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Board Games Club
Friday 3:30pm - 4:30pm
A17 with Mr Isaacson
Ability Grouping
Maths is taught in groups based on ability from Year 7 to Year 11.
A-Level Maths is taught in a mixed ability group in Sixth Form.
Teaching Staff
Mr J Jansen van Rensburg (Head of Maths Faculty)
Mrs H Fiore
Mrs J McBeath (Primary Maths Lead)
Mr E Isaacson
Mrs K Bailey
Mr J Joseph
Mr D Brown
Mrs G Macwilliam
Mr D Buddle
Mr W Coles
Mr L Skillern
Mrs J Everett
Primary Phase
At Cromwell Community College, children are taught Mathematics using the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach, where children first explore a new concept using practical, physical resources, before looking at how the same concept could be represented pictorially before learning what this concept might look like in an abstract, written calculation. For example, when being introduced to division, the children would first lean by sharing concrete objects, such as sweets into groups, then they might represent this pictorially by drawing sweets in different groups, before being introduced to the written, abstract calculation 14 ÷ 2.
Click here to view the Multiplication Tables Progression
Useful Parent Guides
Further useful links and documents that we use to support the teaching of Mathematics can be found below:
Key Stage 3
What do we teach?
Please follow the link at the top of this page to view the Maths Curriculum Map.
How do we assess learning?
Follow the links below to determine if your child is working to secure level:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Autumn Term 1 | Autumn Term 1 | Autumn Term 1 |
Autumn Term 2 | Autumn Term 2 | Autumn Term 2 |
Key Stage 4
Edexcel GCSE Mathematics 1MA1
What will I study?
You will study content across the following topics: Number, Ratio Proportion and Rates of Change, Algebra, Statistics and Probability and Geometry and Measures. Within these topics, you will learn to apply standard techniques, with a focus on reasoning, interpreting and communicating. There is a greater emphasis making connections between these topics, and being able to apply the mathematics learned to problem solve, including non-routine problems in mathematical and non-mathematical contexts. GCSE mathematics, is designed to help you gain a level of confidence and fluency that will provide a strong understanding and foundation for the rest of your learning and working lives.
How will I learn?
You will be encouraged to find mathematics a meaningful, worthwhile and stimulating subject. You will be guided to apply skills you develop to everyday situations, so that you understand the part which mathematics plays in the world around you.
How will I be assessed?
At the end of the course, you are assessed by sitting three 1 ½ hour exam papers at either foundation or higher level. Paper one is non-calculator. Papers two and three are calculator papers. Each paper has equal weighting. You will be expected to memorise formulae. At regular intervals you will sit internal assessments designed to test your understanding and progress and to help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. These internal assessments will help us determine which tier of entry you will take.
Click here to view the GCSE Maths exam specification
Will there be any controlled assessment?
Your GCSE course in mathematics is a non-coursework option. There is no controlled assessment.
Will there be independent study?
You will be expected to work independently and with other people to explore mathematics. You will certainly be expected to work at home. For all examinations, careful and thorough revision is very important.
What do I need for Mathematics?
You should ensure that you have all necessary mathematical equipment for all lessons, including a scientific calculator.
Where can this course take me?
The understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes is fundamental to dealing with everyday problems, but it is more. The study of mathematics can be a goal within its own right, it is also a key factor in employment in commerce and industry and especially so in the fields of accountancy, finance, management and administration, marketing, science, engineering, ICT, computer studies, teaching, economics, statistics and many more.
Key Stage 5
Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Mathematics (9MA0)
Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Further Mathematics (8FM0)
A level Maths provides students with a thorough grounding in the mathematical tools and techniques required in the workplace, while providing a strong foundation for studies in a multiple range of subjects, including Science, Engineering, Geography and Computing. As Science and Technology continue to become more complex, so the demand for mathematicians will continue to grow.
What will I study?
The A level course is composed of pure, mechanical and statistics, taught over two years, and assessed by external exams at the end of the two years.
The AS Further Mathematics course is composed of pure, decision and statistics taught over two years and assessed by external exams at the end of two years
Course Specific Entry Requirements
To study A Level Mathematics you will need to have studied GCSE Mathematics to the higher level and gained at least a Grade 6.
To study AS Further Mathematics you need to have studied GCSE Mathematics to the higher level and gained at least a Grade 7.
Examination Board: Edexcel
Click here to view the A Level Mathematics exam specification
Click here to view the AS Further Mathematics exam specification
AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)
Core Maths is a course for those who want to keep up their valuable maths skills but are not planning to take AS or A Level Mathematics. At the end of the two year course, you will come out with a level 3 qualification in Mathematical Studies from the AQA examination board, similar to an AS.
The skills developed in the study of mathematics are increasingly important in the workplace and in higher education, studying Core Maths will help you keep up these essential skills. Most students who study Maths after GCSE improve their career choices and increase their earning potential.
Although Core Maths is a new course, several universities have already come out in strong support of it. Even subjects like History now recognise the importance of statistics and so a Core Maths qualification will help you hit the ground running at university.
Employers from all different sectors are also firmly behind the Core Maths qualification. Many roles in today's workplace require high levels of budget management and problem solving skills. Core Maths will be a useful tool in equipping you with these skills.
What will I study?
- Representing Data Numerically
- Representing Data diagrammatically
- Percentages
- Interest Rates
- Perimeter, Circumference and Area
- Similarity and Pythagoras
- Surface Area
- Graphical Representation
- Equation of Straight Lines
- Regression Lines
- Taxation
- Repayments and Credit
- Solution to Financial Problems
- Critical Analysis
- Limits of Accuracy
- Personal Finance
Course Specific Entry Requirements
Grade 5 or above in GCSE Maths.
Examination Board: AQA
Click here to view the Level 3 Core Maths exam specification