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Cromwell Community College

Media Studies 

Welcome to the Media Studies subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information please contact the Head of English, Drama & Media, Mrs Cody, at mcody@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Click here to see a visual representation of our A Level Media Studies curriculum Year 12 - Year 13

Click here to see the A Level Media Studies Curriculum Map Year 12 - 13 


Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Go4Schools account. 

Here are links to websites to enhance your learning: 


Ability Grouping

Media Studies is taught in mixed ability groups.

Teaching Staff

Mrs M Cody

Mrs M Priest


WJEC GCE AS/A Level in Media Studies

Media Studies A Level

If you are interested in working in the fields of publishing, journalism, broadcasting, advertising or TV and film production, then media studies may be the subject for you. Alongside having a creative flair, you will be required to think analytically to deconstruct the ways in which the media identify and target specific audience demographics with different media texts.   

The A level course is made up of the following three components: 

  • Meanings and representations in the media – This unit will develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to analyse media products in the following forms:
    • Music video and video games
    • Advertising and film marketing
    • Newspapers and radio news/current affairs programmes 
  • Media forms and products in depth – In this unit, you will study media language, representation, audiences, and media industries in relation to the following media products:
    • Television: two contrasting programmes
    • Magazines: two contrasting magazines
    • Blogs and websites: two contrasting online 
  • Cross-media production (non-exam assessment) – In this unit, you will create an individual cross-media production in two different forms for an intended audience in response to a set brief. 

Examination Board: Eduqas

Click here to view the A Level Media Studies exam specification