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Cromwell Community College

First Aid

Cromwell Community College has a team of staff who are first aid trained to deal with a wide variety of minor first aid matters that may occur during the school day. Our Medical & First Aid Leads are Mrs H Smith and Mrs J Birchall.

We always do our best to treat minor first aid issues. Where this is not possible we will ask parents/carers to come and collect their child from school. In an emergency we will call for an ambulance, and let parents/carers know as soon as we can. 

We keep careful, confidential records of first aid, and always let parents/carers know when we have administered first aid to a pupil via Medical Tracker.

We ask that parents/carers and pupils liaise with Mrs Smith and Mrs Birchall by emailing medical@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk if you require any information, or if there is something specific we should be aware of.