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Cromwell Community College

Office Information

Welcome to the School Office

Our Office staff will be pleased to help you with any questions or queries you have, and are the first point of contact for Parents and Carers. 

Primary - Meet the Office Staff (ID 1033)


 01354 692193

There is an answerphone facility if the Office staff are busy. Messages are checked regularly.

General Guidance on Who to Contact

Query Who Method
Your child's general wellbeing / academic progress Class Teacher Email: office@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk
General queries / Concerns / Urgent message to child Main Office

Telephone:  01354 692193

Email: office@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk

Trip / ParentMail Query Finance Office

Email: finance@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk

School Absences Attendance Team

ParentMail App:  'Notify Absence'

Email: studentabsence@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk