Personal Development
Cromwell Community College provides personal development to pupils, within their PSCHE (Personal, Social, Citizenship, Health, Economic) lessons, in line with the RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) statutory guidance. The 'World Around Us' week considers British Values and Citizenship, and the collapsed day events use a theme to help pupils focus on learning about healthy lifestyles and careers education.
Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information please contact the PSCHE Lead, Miss Hope, at
Click here to see a visual representation of our PSCHE curriculum from Year 7 - Year 13
PSCHE Curriculum Map - EYFS to Year 13
Key Staff
PSCHE (ID 1109)
Mrs Heather PaulSenior Leader responsible for Personal Development & Careers
Mrs Heather Paul
Miss Danielle HopePSCHE Lead
Miss Danielle Hope
Miss Jill EvennettCEIAG/PSCHE Assistant
Miss Jill Evennett
Primary Phase
PSHE education at Cromwell sees pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain.
PSHE helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage many of the critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and in adulthood.
By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy, and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, our effective PSHE programme tackles barriers to learning, raises aspirations, and improves the life chances of all pupils.
Key Stage 3
What do we teach?
Please follow the link at the top of this page to view the PSCHE Curriculum Map.
Pupils are taught in mixed ability groups for PSCHE. Pupils have two lessons a fortnight and follow a scheme of work linked to the explore PSCHE scheme of work, in line with statutory guidance. Lessons are discussion based and pupils are reminded of the PSCHE values rainbow. Pupils have a workbook to complete reflections on their learning.
Please click on the links below to view the schemes of work:
How do we assess learning?
Follow the links below to determine if your child is working to secure level:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Autumn Term | Autumn Term | Autumn Term |
Year 7 PSCHE Information Letter - September 2024
Year 8 PSCHE Information Letter - September 2024
Year 9 PSCHE Information Letter - September 2024
Key Stage 4
PSCHE is designed to help you become a confident, healthy and independent individual by:
- developing your confidence and responsibility and making the most of your abilities
- helping you to develop a healthy, safe lifestyle
- encouraging you to develop good relationships and respecting the differences between people
Personal development also covers many aspects of your citizenship education.
What will I study?
We constantly review our PSCHE provision. You will cover a wide variety of topics including: relationships, racism, team work, healthy and safe lifestyles, road safety, E-safety, personal finance, sex education, drugs and life skills. In Year 11 you will receive lots of guidance to help you plan the next stage of your education and/or training.
Pupils are taught in mixed ability groups for PSCHE. Pupils have one lesson a fortnight and follow a scheme of work linked to the explore PSCHE scheme of work, in line with statutory guidance. Lessons are discussion based and pupils are reminded of the PSCHE values rainbow. Pupils have a workbook to complete reflections on their learning.
Please click on the links below to view the schemes of work:
Year 10 PSCHE Information Letter - September 2024
Year 11 PSCHE Information Letter - September 2024
Key Stage 5
Click HERE to view our Sixth Form Student Enrichment page and scroll down to see what to expect during Personal Development in Key Stage 5.
Click here to view our Safeguarding Information
For any further information please contact Miss Hope, PSCHE Lead at