The Safeguarding Team at Cromwell
Mr M StevensonVice Principal - Designated Safeguarding & Prevent Lead
Mr M Stevenson
Mrs S BeschizzaChild Protection Officer - Deputy Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Lead
Mrs S Beschizza
Mrs J PritchardChild Protection Officer - Deputy Safeguarding and Online Safety Lead
Mrs J Pritchard
Mrs V MerryweatherChild Protection Officer
Mrs V Merryweather
Mrs J RobertsPA to Executive Headteacher
Mrs J Roberts
Mrs G FulcherAssistant Principal
Mrs G Fulcher
Mrs C MacdonaldHead of Primary Phase
Mrs C Macdonald
Mrs K FisherSixth Form Administrator / Safeguarding Lead for Sixth Form
Mrs K Fisher
Mrs R GrantFamily Support Worker
Mrs R Grant
Mrs S PritchardTrust Governor for Safeguarding
Mrs S Pritchard
Click HERE to be directed to our Policies page to view our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.
Reporting a Concern
If you wish to report a concern, or talk something through, please read through the contacts below to find the most suitable contact.
Tel: 08088 005000 (adults)
Tel: 0800 1111 (children)
Tel: 0345 0455203 (8am-6pm Mon-Fri)
Tel: 01733 234724 (out of hours)
This is a County Lines (drug related activities) specific reporting site. Please use this link to report anonymously online.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary Safer Schools Newsletter
ccc safer schools newsletter september 2023.pdf
Please also be aware of a recent communication following discussions with local Police regarding County Lines and drugs in our area.