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Cromwell Community College


“Take risks now and do something bold. You won't regret it!”

Elon Musk

Welcome to the Technology subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information, please contact the Head of Department, Mr Nally, at anally@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Click here to see a visual representation of our Technology curriculum from Year 7 - Year 13



Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Go4Schools account. 

Here are links to websites to enhance your learning: 


The enrichment opportunities will be updated early in the new academic year.

Ability Grouping

Technology is taught in mixed ability groups.  

Teaching Staff

Mr A Nally (Head of Technology Faculty)

Mr L Oliver

Mr M Boyle

Mrs C Oluchi

Mrs Y Ellis 

Mrs G South

Mr S Meiring 



Key Stage 3

What do we teach?

Technology is taught in rotations. Your child will gain experience in the following areas of Design & Technology:

  • Engineering  -  Pupils will learn about specific engineering equipment and how to use it. Pupils will also learn about career pathways into the Engineering sector.
  • Food  -  Pupils will learn about how to cook healthy meals and about how a balanced diet can affect the body. Pupils will also learn about specific catering equipment and different techniques used to create culinary masterpieces.
  • Product Design  -  Pupils will learn what is it like to work like a designer and to create solutions to real world problems. Pupils will also experience how to present ideas and work with computers to create digital portfolios.

Please follow the link at the top of this page to view the Technology Curriculum Map.

How do we assess learning?

Click HERE to see the Spring Term 2023 assessment grids used to determine if your child is working to secure level.


Key Stage 4

Edexcel GCSE Design & Technology


What will I study?

This course focuses on a creative approach to problem solving - you will learn how to design and make products with creativity and originality using a range of materials and techniques.  You will study a range of core knowledge during theory lessons and develop practical skills to help you complete a design and make project in Year 11.

For Component 1, you will learn about a range of materials such as plastics, woods and metals as well as modern ‘smart’ materials and the processes you can use to shape and join them. You will also study the real world of design and manufacturing and explore issues of sustainability.

For Component 2, the internally assessed unit, you will learn how to carry out an extended designing and making project that will showcase the skills and knowledge you have developed.

You will learn new making skills including computer-aided-manufacture (CAM) using the latest equipment and machines.

How will I learn?

Year 10 will be spent undertaking a series of stimulating ‘design and make’ assignments of various lengths enabling you to learn the skills needed.  Other know-how and understanding will be taught alongside these mini projects so that nearly all the knowledge required for the final exam in Year 11 is learned in Year 10.  This gives plenty of time in Year 11 to work on your extended designing and making project and to develop your skills further.

How will I be assessed?

You will be continually assessed during the course.  You will know what you have done well and what you can improve in order to achieve the highest marks.  In Year 11 you will complete the designing and making project worth 50%, which you will be able to continue to edit and improve right up to the final weeks of the course.

You will complete one final written exam which is worth the other 50% of your final grade.

Click here to view the GCSE Design & Technology exam specification  

Will there be any controlled assessment?

The controlled assessment unit described above will be completed in class during Years 10 and 11.  The portfolio that goes alongside the practical work will total 20-30 A3 pages.  You will have a range of starting points to choose from and you will be given lots of guidance about which theme offers the most scope.  These themes range from designing jewellery or decorative tableware, to lamps or furniture.

Will there be any independent study?

Throughout Years 10 and 11 you will be required to complete set homework tasks but the majority of the controlled assessments must be completed in supervised class time.

What do I need for this course?

Your own range of simple graphics equipment (ruler, pencils, coloured pencils and pastels, black fine liners, rubber) would ensure you are always equipped for lessons and independent study.

Where can this course take me?

The course provides an excellent route into A Level Product Design, apprenticeships and BTEC Level 3 Engineering.  Previous pupils have gone on to work in graphic design, product design, engineering, architecture and even teaching!

WJEC Level 1/2 Award in Engineering 9790A1


What will I study?

This course focuses on practical work - you will learn how to design and make engineered products with creativity and originality using a range of materials and techniques. You will get a real taste of what the engineering sector is like.

The first internally assessed unit involves the making of a product using a wide range of engineering equipment and processes.  This will mean working accurately to a set of provided engineering drawings, planning each stage and ensuring high quality.

For the second internally assessed unit, you will analyse an engineered product and then design a similar product.  This will involve drawing and explaining ideas and result in the production of professional engineering drawings using CAD.  Finally, the final product will need to be evaluated in detail.

The third unit is the exam which tests your knowledge of materials, equipment and processes as well as some maths skills such as working out areas, volumes and costing materials.

You will learn new making skills and processes including computer-aided-manufacture (CAM) and use the latest equipment and machines.

How will I learn?

Year 10 will be spent undertaking a series of stimulating ‘design and make’ assignments of various lengths enabling you to learn the skills required. Other know-how and understanding will be taught alongside these mini projects so that nearly all the knowledge required is taught in Year 10.  This gives plenty of time in Year 11 to work on the designing and making units of the controlled assessment and to develop your skills further.

How will I be assessed?

You will be continually assessed during the course.  You will know what you have done well and what you can improve in order to achieve the highest marks.  The designing and making units of the controlled assessment will count for 60% of your final grade.  The exam makes up the other 40%.

You will be able to edit and improve the work that forms 60% of your final grade right up to the deadline!  You can achieve a pass, merit, distinction or distinction*.

Click here to view the Level 1/2 Engineering exam specification  

Will there be any controlled assessment?

You will complete two internally assessed assignments based on a context.  The internal assessments will be monitored and marked by your teacher and moderated by the exam board. The exam is set and marked by the exam board. The two controlled assessment units described above will be completed in class during Years 10 and 11.

Will there be any independent study?

Throughout Years 10 and 11 you will be required to complete set homework tasks but the majority of the controlled assessment must be completed in supervised class time.

What do I need for this course?

Your own range of simple graphics equipment (ruler, pencils, coloured pencils, black fine liners, rubber) would ensure you are always equipped for lessons and independent study.

Where can this course take me?

The course provides an excellent route into A Level Product Design, apprenticeships and BTEC Level 3 Engineering.  Previous pupils have gone on to work in engineering, product design and even teaching!

WJEC Level 1/2 Award in Hospitality and Catering 5569QA


What will I study?

You will learn information and skills that are relevant to any job that requires you to work with food and you will develop a wide variety of advanced practical skills.  Catering needs attention to detail and a professional approach to producing dishes of a high standard is very important.

The key topics covered are:

  • The hospitality industry
  • Hygiene and safety
  • Nutrition
  • Menu planning
  • Catering for special diets

The course is split into two units:

Unit 1 - The Hospitality and Catering Industry.  This unit develops your understanding of the industry. You will learn about different establishments and providers, job opportunities, meeting customer needs, legislation and the ways in which these outlets operate. This unit is assessed by an online examination.

Unit 2 - Hospitality and Catering in Action.  This unit requires you to safely plan, prepare, cook and present dishes for different groups and their special dietary needs.

How will I learn?

You will have a variety of practical and written tasks in Year 10 to build up skills and knowledge ready for the controlled assessment in year 11. The exam will be sat in Year 10.

How will I be assessed?

You will be continually assessed during the course.  You will know what you have done well and what you can improve in order to achieve the highest marks.  The practical cooking internally assessed unit will count for 60% of your final grade.  The exam makes up the other 40%.

Your Unit 2 assessment is carried out in exam conditions.  You will have carried out a practice assignments and should be confident in what is required.  This assessment takes 9 hours to complete. You will be graded: - pass, merit, distinction or distinction*.

Click here to view the Level 1/2 Hospitality & Catering exam specification

Will there be any controlled assessment?

For Unit 1 you will complete an on-line external assessment lasting 80 minutes.

The Unit 2 controlled assessment task is carried out at the start of Year 11.  This will be based on a task set by the exam board.  It is marked by your teacher and moderated by the exam board.

Will there be any independent study?

Throughout Years 10 and 11 you will be required to complete set homework tasks.  These are important to help you make notes in preparation for your assessments.  You may also be asked to carry out practical cooking tasks at home.   Controlled assessments must be completed in supervised class time.

What do I need for this course?

You will need to provide ingredients for your practical work and containers to take your food home in.  It is also desirable to have a white/or black chef’s jacket. If not, an apron is an essential item. Good organisation is important as you will need to bring your ingredients in each week.

Where can this course take me?

The WJEC Level 1/2 award in hospitality and catering has been designed to support learners who want to learn about this vocational sector. It is most suitable as a foundation for further study, providing a core depth of knowledge and a range of specialist and general skills that will support your progression to further learning and employment. Learners completing the Level 1/2 award in hospitality and catering may be interested in progressing to Level 3 qualifications. There are also a wide variety of food, nutrition and hospitality related courses available at university or apprenticeships available. 

VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hair and Beauty Therapy AM20530


This course will enable you to gain both the theoretical, academic skills and the important practical skills needed for progression.  You will develop a real understanding of what it is to work in this sector.

What will I study?

The VTCT Level 2 certificate in hairdressing and beauty therapy has been designed to support you to develop a broad and comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the hair and beauty sector.  This qualification will develop academic and study skills that will support progression within the hair and beauty sector.

You will follow two mandatory units:

Unit 1:  Understanding the hair and beauty sector

In this unit you will learn about the structure of the industry, the products used and the services and treatments provided.

Unit 2:  Hair and beauty research project

For this unit you will choose a topic and conduct research into it.               

And also two optional units:

Unit 1:  Hair and beauty science

You will develop an understanding of the science of hair and beauty products. You will also learn about the anatomy of the skin and hair.

Unit 2:  Responding to hair and beauty brief

You will be set a specific design brief relating to the hair and beauty industry and you will be expected to present your ideas.

Who is the course for?

This qualification is most suited for learners wishing to pursue a career in the hair and beauty industry or who want to work in related fields such as the media or theatre.

What entry requirements are there?

To have an interest in the hair and beauty industry. A short interview may be required.

How is my work assessed?

The level 2 course is assessed by producing a portfolio of course work which is marked and assessed by the awarding body. There is also an online exam.

 Click here to view the Level 2 Beauty Therapy exam specification   

Will there be any independent study?

You will be expected to complete independent study on a weekly basis.

Where will this course take me?

If you successfully achieve this qualification, you could progress to higher level vocationally-related qualifications.  You will be able to progress to the post 16 hair and beauty options at Cromwell.

There are additional qualifications which these courses could lead to, for example, fashion and photographic make-up, nail technology, media make up, massage and aromatherapy.

Successful completion of this course could also lead to apprenticeships in hairdressing, barbering, beauty therapy and nails services.  The qualification may also be useful to those seeking to progress to qualifications in a range of industries including complementary and alternative therapies, spa therapy, fashion and photography, theatre and media, sport and active leisure.

If you need any more information please contact the teacher of Hair & Beauty, Mrs Morton, at smorton@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Key Stage 5


Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Design and Technology


A Level Product Design offers you the opportunity to study, design and create innovative products within a real-world context. The course provides access to the latest equipment, technology and machinery required to manufacture products designed and created by you.

Over the two years of the course there are two components of study:

  • Component 1: Principles of Design and Technology – This unit covers a range of design issues, from materials and processes to the effects of technological development and health and safety issues.
  • Component 2: Independent Design and Make Project – In this unit, you will be required to produce a substantial design portfolio and sophisticated and creative final prototype product. You will need to carry out research and produce ideas to be developed and modelled before manufacturing your product and carrying out relevant evaluations to assess potential improvements

Product design will foster a passion for the world of design and manufacturing, which could lead to a number of exciting career paths in the fields of design and engineering, or even marketing and advertising.

Examination Board: Edexcel

Click here to view the A Level Product Design exam specification