At Cromwell we have high expectations of our pupils and expect them to be smartly dressed at all times. We believe that a school uniform gives a sense of belonging and pride in the school, whilst ensuring equality amongst pupils. In addition, a smart appearance contributes positively to the pupil’s attitude to work and also significantly influences how Cromwell is portrayed to the general public.
Click here to view our Uniform Policy
Primary Phase
Primary Phase Uniform
Maroon jumper or cardigan complete with the embroidered College logo - available from the College supplier. Plain maroon jumpers or cardigans are also acceptable.
Black plain school trousers, shorts or skirt (no slim fit, 3/4 length, pocket detailing, denim material or leggings).
White polo shirt complete with the embroidered College logo - available from College supplier. Plain white polo shirts are also acceptable.
Plain black shoes or trainers (leather like material) with a black sole. No heels and no logos. Velcro please for children who are not yet independent at tying laces.
Summer dress for summer months. Maroon and white gingham check available from most supermarket retailers.
Navy t-shirt complete with the embroidered College logo - available from College supplier. Plain navy t-shirts are also acceptable.
Black shorts
Socks must be worn with trainers. If children are wearing tights, they will need to have a change of socks for PE.
Trainers that support the ankle - not plimsolls.
PE bag must be a named, drawstring bag. This will be sent home half termly for the PE kit to be washed. Any drawstring bag can be used, however they are available to purchase through our uniform supplier.
Black tracksuit bottoms for outside PE during colder months.
Navy long sleeved PE top (optional) for outside PE during colder months.
Navy warmer jumper (optional) for outside PE during colder months.
Outdoor Learning
Wellingtons/outdoor boots - all children will need to keep a named pair of boots at school.
Warm coat should be brought into school every day.
Sun hat for warmer months.
Sun Cream should be applied prior to children coming to school in sunny weather. A sun protection factor 30+ that lasts 8 hours is great. If your child is able to re-apply the cream themselves, they can do this.
Insect repellent should be applied at home before children come into school and cannot be applied by school staff. This is particularly important when attending Forest School during the summer months.
Forest School sessions happen weekly throughout the year, meaning that children are outside for the whole morning in the rain, sun and all weathers in between. Children are not out during lightening storms and will be brought quickly back to the main building. Please dress children appropriately for the climate and changing seasons. Please see additional guidance.
All in one wet weather suit or waterproof trousers to be worn over the top of warm tracksuit bottoms in colder/wet months on Forest School days. School uniform should be brought to school in bags for children to change into on Forest School days upon return to school.
Other Items
School Bag - your child can carry their water bottle and put their reading books in their book bag. There is no necessity to bring a backpack, but if you would like your child to have one, please ensure it is not too big.
Book Bag - a book bag to carry their reading books to and from school in. Available from our uniform supplier. Please try to support your child identifying this bag by adding some stickers or a key chain.
Water Bottle - this can be purchased through the uniform supplier, although any bottle is fine as long as they are named. Please ensure it is leak-proof and that your child brings it home every day to be washed.
- 1 wristwatch (removed for PE lessons).
- No necklaces or bangles.
- We do not encourage earrings but where they are worn only small studs are allowed which need to be removed for PE.
- Colour and style must be a natural colour and not reflect fashion fads (eg. no coloured hair extensions). No extremes of fashion.
- Hair must not be too short or have any shaved patterns.
- Pupils should not wear nail varnish, false nails or 'gelled' nails on health and safety grounds. Pupils may be asked to remove these. For sport, finger nails must be short and well-trimmed.
Secondary Phase
Uniform at Cromwell is unisex, therefore children have the option of wearing black trousers or a black skirt as part of their uniform, either black or maroon optional jumper or cardigan, or shorts or a skort as part of their PE kit.
- Black blazer complete with the embroidered College logo – available from College supplier only OR
- Black blazer from any supplier with our purchased badge attached
- Cromwell clip on tie – available from College supplier only
- Black parallel plain trousers (NO slim fit, ¾ length, pocket detailing or denim material that look like jeans or leggings) OR
- Black skirts must be knee length and of tailored material, (NO stretch lycra material or fashion zips) OR
- Black tailored shorts - available from College supplier only (must still be worn with school shoes)
- White traditional shirt this must button right up to the neck
- Shoes – plain black (leather like material) with a black sole and/or low heels – no logo
- Black ‘V’ necked College jumper - available from College supplier with logo OR plain black ‘V’ necked jumper (NO sweatshirts/hoodies)
- Burgundy ‘V’ necked College jumper or cardigan – available from College supplier with logo OR plain burgundy ‘V’ necked jumper or cardigan (NO sweatshirts/hoodies)
- College navy/sky shorts - available from College supplier only; OR
- College navy/sky skort (this is a skirt with an integrated pair of shorts) - available from College supplier only; OR
- Plain navy shorts from any supplier
- College polo shirt - available from College supplier only
- College navy/sky socks (outdoor) - available from College supplier only
- Short white socks (Indoor)
- Boots with moulded or plastic studs required
- NB: For the astro pitch - no metal studs
- Trainers
- Mid Layer top (waterproof top layer) – quarter zip College logo over top - available from College supplier only
- Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms
- Plain sun cap
- Strongly recommended – gum shield/shin pads (compulsory if involved in PE fixtures)
Other Items
- 1 plain non-widening ear stud per ear
- 1 ring (simple unraised style) per hand
- 1 wristwatch
- NO necklaces and bangles
Please note that all jewellery must be removed for all practical lessons and PE (no taping)
Colour must be a natural colour and style must not reflect fashion fads (e.g. no coloured hair extensions). No extremes of fashion.
Pupils should not wear nail varnish, false nails and “gelled” nails on health and safety grounds. Pupils may be asked to remove these. For sport, finger nails must be short and well-trimmed.
Pupils may wear discreet makeup – foundations and mascara are acceptable. Minimal eyeliner. No false lashes.
Body Piercings
Nose, eyebrow, tongue and other body piercings are a health and safety hazard and are not acceptable even with a plaster covering or a retainer. See above re permitted ear jewellery.
School Uniform Supplier for New Uniform
The Cromwell Community College uniform is available to purchase from Price & Buckland. You can order your uniform directly from Price & Buckland using the link below:
Orders will be delivered directly to your home within 2 – 5 working days. We will not be accepting deliveries to Cromwell. On completion of your order, you will receive an email notification along with tracking details from Royal Mail.
Price & Buckland offer free returns. You can view their returns policy here.
Telephone: 0115 964 0827
Email: webenquiry@price-buckland.co.uk
Website: www.pbuniform-online.co.uk
If you have any queries regarding your order, please contact Price & Buckland directly using the above email address or telephone number.
Second-Hand Uniform from Uniformerly
We are pleased to announce that the Cromwell PTA have set up a pre-loved uniform shop on the Uniformerly website. Good quality, pre-loved uniform will be available to purchase at a fraction of the cost of buying new, with all funds going to the Cromwell PTA.
To purchase, all you need to do is:
- Go to www.uniformerly.co.uk
- Click ‘Register’ and fill in your details
- Select our LEA (Cambridgeshire) and School (Cromwell Community College)
- Once registered, select ‘My School’ from the menu to view the items for sale
Orders placed by 4:00pm each Tuesday will be ready for collection from the Main Office on Thursday and Friday afternoons between 1:00pm and 4:00pm.
If you have pre-loved Cromwell uniform in good condition which you can donate to the shop, it would be gratefully received by the PTA – please drop it off at the Main Office. Items that are particularly in demand are:
- Blazers
- Ties
- PE Kit
Uniform Queries
For any uniform queries, please contact:
- Mrs Macdonald if your child is in the Primary Phase
- Mrs A Milne if your child is in the Secondary Phase