World Around Us Week
Pupils in all year groups complete registration sessions with their Form Tutor called Young British Citizen, exploring and discussing themes such a Living Together in the UK, Democracy at Work in the UK, Law and Justice and Power and Influence. These sessions are delivered in the last week of each half term called 'The World Around Us' week.
Information letter sent to parents/carers
Autumn Term 1
Key Stage 3
- Careers sessions
- First Aid session - Introductions to Red Cross Champions
- YBC - What is British Values and Citizenship?
- The changing UK population
Key Stage 4
- First Aid session - Introductions to Red Cross Champions
- YBC - What is British Values and Citizenship?
- The changing UK population
- Year 10 - Relationships
- Year 11 - Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Health
Autumn Term 2
Key Stage 3
- Careers Sessions
- First Aid Session - British Red Cross Champions - severe allergic reactions
- YBC - What is law?
Key Stage 4
- First Aid session - British Red Cross Champions - severe allergic reactions
- YBC - What is law?
- Year 10
- Sexual Relationships
- Pressures and Influences
- Year 11
- Pregnancy Choices
- Influences on Health