Year 11 Post 16 Application & Personal Guidance
The success of our programme is reflected in the small number of NEETS (not in education, employment or training) that the college has each year. This is a good indicator that pupils have chosen correctly for Post 16 education, and therefore have had the right guidance process. Pupils are asked to complete the Post 16 intention section on Unifrog so they are clear about their plans for Post 16.
Applying for Post 16 - Information for Parents
All Year 11 pupils should have a Plan A and Plan B for Post 16 education. We aim for our Year 11 pupils to have applied for Sixth Form, college or an apprenticeship by the end of February with at least 2 possible colleges, ideally based on a minimum of their predicted GCSE grades and a backup in case predicted grades are not met.
For 2022/2023, Cromwell Community College will be using the MyChoices@16 application system to apply for college and Sixth Form courses. Pupils will be shown this system at school and provided with login details and training to use the system.
The system is an online platform and can be accessed anywhere and on most devices with an internet connection. This will support completing applications at home and parents/carers being able to support and review their child's applications.
The link to the MyChoices@16 website is
Year 11 Form Tutors and the Careers Team will be able to support pupils through the application process.
Applying to Cromwell
Noting the above information regarding MyChoices@16, for 2022/2023 we will continue to use the current application process for Cromwell Sixth Form, via Admissions+. To apply, please follow the link below:
Applying to other Colleges / Sixth Forms
Pupils will use MyChoices@16 for applying to other college or Sixth Form centres. When completing contact details, it is advised that pupils use a personal email address and not a school email address.
Form Tutors will regularly review the process of applications through the second half of the autumn term and provide support for work experience and personal statements.
All pupils will have a written school reference. References will be uploaded to MyChoices@16 by the Careers Team or the Form Tutor.
Cromwell has access to various events that will allow pupils to become familiar with Post 16 providers in Cambridgeshire. This may take the form of taster days, online events or via college websites.
As information becomes available, it can be accessed HERE.
Applying for an Apprenticeship
It is advised that pupils have applied for a full-time college course first. Colleges can then change their full-time course to the apprenticeship. In the current climate, it is advised to contact companies directly in February / March, as this is when apprenticeships are normally advertised for a September start. This link will help with the application process. Pupils need to search for the following levels depending on GCSEs:
- Traineeship - Level 1 or Level 2 (equivalent to GCSEs or below). Lasting a maximum of 6 months, they are unpaid but you gain skills and qualifications.
- Intermediate - Level 2 (equivalent to 5 GCSEs)
- Advanced - Level 3 (equivalent to 2 A-Levels)
Click HERE to view the 'Amazing Apprenticeships' December 2021 Parent/Carer Pack
Click HERE to find out about the Metalcraft Apprenticeship Scheme 2021 and to view their Apprenticeship information video.